Being a member of the Women of the Moose can be a very interesting and rewarding experience. Through fund raising projects we provide funds and assistance to Mooseheart, our Child City Moosehaven, our City of Contentment our local lodge and our local community service organizations. As you become active in the chapter, you will have the opportunity to enjoy many challenging and rewarding experiences. We have many family activities and we know you will enjoy being a part of our chapter.
Two Chapter meetings are held each month. The first meeting typically includes a Welcome Reception prior to the meeting. Immediately following the close of our meetings, a social hour is held. Committee members provide refreshments with entertainment, such as a guest speaker or activity of interest.
The purpose of our meetings is to approve the various plans and projects of our committees, vote on the proposals presented by the Board of Officers to the chapter, ballot on applications and report on the chapter’s financial condition
Committee meetings are held once a month to discuss plans and projects of the committee. These meetings also provide a time for committee members to become better acquainted and participate in the activities of the chapter.
Tonight, when you were welcomed as a new member, you were automatically placed on the committee of your sponsor. There are four Chapter Development Committees: Membership/Retention, Community Service, Activities/Sports and Mooseheart/ Moosehaven. Each committee is scheduled to hold two or more Committee Activity Nights. Each committee is also responsible for having two or more fundraising projects to benefit Mooseheart, Moosehaven, the Scholarship and Maintenance Fund, a community service project and to help maintain the General Fund of the chapter. Contact your sponsor to find out the committee to which you have been appointed.
There is a Higher Degrees Committee comprised of co-workers who have earned the higher degrees of the Women of the Moose - Academy of Friendship, Star Recorder and College of Regents. The Higher Degree committee has the same responsibilities as the Chapter Development Committees.
In addition to the Chapter Development and Higher Degree Committees, the chapter may have various Special Committees such as Sports, Sewing Circle, Craft, Kitchen Band, Sunshine, Bowling, Blood Bank, Entertainment, Birthday, etc.